
《実体験レポート》新手の振込め詐欺 [日記・雑記]


「ナイジェリアで従姉妹が急病で子宮の手術を受けるのに、着の身着のまま駆けつけたので手持ちのお金が無いから、Money GramかWestern Unionという国際送金システムからお金を送って欲しい。帰国次第すぐ返す」






I do hope that you receive this email in good health. I really did not want to disturb you with this but I had no-one else to turn to. I received a phone call from my cousin in who is a freelance writer in Nigeria, West Africa, saying that she was sick and she needed to see me urgently, so I took a flight to Nigeria. She's suffering from a critical uterine fibroid and must undergo a hysterectomy surgery to save her life. I am deeply sorry for not writing or calling you before leaving, the news of her illness arrived as an emergency and that she needs family support to keep her going, I hope you understand my plight.

Hysterectomy surgery is very expensive here, so I want to transfer her back home to have the surgery implemented there. Am wondering if you can be of any assistance to me, I need about $4,000USD to make the necessary arrangement, I traveled with little money due to the short time I had to prepare for this trip and never expected things to be the way it is right now. Any amount you can loan would be highly appreciated since I don't know your financial status at the moment, nothing is too little to save a life! I'll pay back as soon as I return, I need to get her home as soon as possible because she is going through a lot of pain at the moment and the doctor advised that it is necessary that the tumor is operated soon to avoid anything from going wrong. I will reimburse you at my return.

You can send the money to me through Money Gram Transfer or Western Union Money Transfer and request to send the money,this is all you need when you get to the Money Gram Transfer/Western Union store closer to you.

Receivers Name: ***** F*****
Address: E2, A-Block Lagos State University Teaching Hospital.
City: Lagos
Zip Code: 23401
Country: Nigeria

Kindly email me the transfer receipt immediately you send the money. Looking forward hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

***** F*****, MD,
Department of Surgery, xxxxxx Hospital

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